United Kingdom
I have purchased a Heliconia bulb in Madeira. What is the best way to grow this in a pot in the house. What sort of soil and what size of pot.
6 Sep, 2008
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Your new purchase is tender, so it will have to be kept indoors. Plant it in a mixture of equal parts of pulverised pine bark, moss peat and coarse grit. It needs bright filtered to indirect light. Water it well in its growing season and feed it with liquid fertiliser monthly. Less watering in the winter. As to the size of pot, as they grow quite large, you may have to start it off in a pot with room for the growing medium, then re-pot it as it grows. All this info came from the RHS and I hope it hasn't put you off growing your Heliconia! It all sounds like hard work to me, Alexe. Just don't ask me where to get the components for the compost! I wish you good luck with it!
6 Sep, 2008
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I hope someone can help you. I'm sorry I have no idea, but welcome to GOY.
6 Sep, 2008