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Tyne And Wear, United Kingdom

I think this plant is called Lycestra and this morning saw a thrush that appeared to be feeding on it.Are there berries or seeds on it (never really looked closely at it other than when its in flower)its going to be a long winter so they need everything they can get



Leycesteria formosa, which has various common names and is very popular with the birds. The seeds are taken by many birds and spread round the garden for you.
Lovely pictures.

27 Nov, 2010


Thanks Owdboggy was thinking of digging it out next year but now I know the birds eat the seeds its staying.....
Been unable to get out to shops for 3days now and bird seed getting very low......too much snow too early and another shower coming over as I type.Looks lovely but makes things difficult

27 Nov, 2010


Oh wow - is that snow current? And a great picture of the bird, brilliant.

27 Nov, 2010


It is Bamboo....nightmare poor shrubs in the garden are weighed down.Had about 12" and its starting again.Its caught us a little on the hop a bit. Hope my new shrubs survive.

27 Nov, 2010


That is exactly what I was thinking... If its any comfort, snow does have an insulating effect, acting like a blanket, but should be shaken off evergreens if its a thick layer, or its in danger of weighing down the branches too much and breaking them. I've just put a blog up titled Bad Weather - I'm somewhat concerned as to what kind of winter we can expect in the light of info I got this morning.

27 Nov, 2010


Lovely photos ... will you be putting them on Ispyabird site ?

27 Nov, 2010


I'm just grateful you put them on here, whether you put them on Ispyabird or not, ... we've a distinct shortage of bird pics on here now, which I think is a bit off - birds in the garden, garden being the operative word

27 Nov, 2010


Hi Shirley tulip....I don't know the site although I take many photos of birds....will google it.Thanks
Bamboo thanks for that at least the smaller newer shrubs should be ok then.Most of those not planted yet are tucked away in a corner by the house so hopefully will be ok. will be reading your blog of course...Sheila

27 Nov, 2010


Bamboo, I've put some pics of birds and our daily visitor, a squirrel, recently and have noticed a few bird pics have been posted. Just had 3 Collared Doves in, with one really fighting another, not their usual behaviour at all!

27 Nov, 2010


Glad to hear it, Shirley, well, not about the fighting so much! I've not seen my collared dove - had 2 visiting for years, then last year down to one, and this year, none at all. Something's happened to them I suppose, very sad.

27 Nov, 2010


I still have a lot to find out about this site Bamboo so will add some of my future bird pics as well as my garden ones.Not that I have posted many as

27 Nov, 2010


Hi scabiousshe, Love the pics, Your snow picture looks like mine outside, all white, deep, crisp and even, but with dog paw prints everywhere.
Incidentally, Your Leycesyeria, does have berries on it. The birds love them, hence you will find seedlings popping up in the most unlikely of places. One of the common names is Pheasant berry. Many years ago, it was used as Pheasant cover.

28 Nov, 2010


thanks 2ndhand, more forecast hope theyre wrong though.Our dog loves it too but the little snowballs stuck to her legs are a nuisance when she picks them off on the
I shall look more closely for the berries next time when the snow goes a little and I can get near to the bush.

28 Nov, 2010

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