The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Dublin, Ireland Ie

Good afternoon all. Help needed! My box ball seems to be dying I've had him over 20 years and if I can't revive it what on earth can put there in its place as its near my front door and was lovely.
Thanks as always.




Could be box blight. My son just removed two that were about the same age as yours and over this year were completely dead. Some people are replacing with yew but my son can't because they're poisonous to his animals.

22 Oct, 2023


Its evergreen leaves, trimmed with buttercup yellow, has tiny white flowers in spring not very noticeable though.

22 Oct, 2023


The blight hit here and there are a lot of dead buxus around the island. I cut mine down close to the base and a couple have started growing back. There are others that were not affected at all. On the other side of the island, there is a large planting of a type of Aloe that has also been wiped out by some sort of virus, which I hope doesn't make it to my area.

22 Oct, 2023


Agree, Golden euonyumus is lovely, and bright all year round. I have two and love them. Long lived, shade or sun, puts up with dry ground, trouble free .Trim- very occasionally if it gets bigger than you want - what's not to like? It can try very occasionally to revert to plain green, but if it tries just cut that stem off.

30 Oct, 2023

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