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west sussex, United Kingdom

I have a Daphne which ran amok last year and quadroupled in size and flowering like crazy. This winter's bad weather has made the tops look a bit scrawny but there are loads of flower blooms coming further down the growth. It looks like I ought to prune the stems down about six inches but I'm a bit scared to do it, but then again we won't be able to see and smell all the flowers and it is getting a bit large. Perhaps you could advise, thanks.



Which daphne is it?

7 Jan, 2023


I have no idea but I'll try and take a photo tomorrow as I've got an app called Lens on my phone which identifies plants.

7 Jan, 2023


Ok Stera, it's been identified as Daphne Odora according to the photo I took. Its got variagated new leaf growth, dark pink buds/blooms and a strong perfume.

8 Jan, 2023


Strangely enough the book on Daphnes gives no advice on pruning any Daphne at all, except to say pinch out the tips on young plants. Not a lot of use in that book.
RHS say pruning is not normally needed, except to remove dead or damaged stems and that should be done in Spring. Pruning can lead to die back so be careful.

8 Jan, 2023


Thank you Owdboggy, my garden is minute and the Daphne seems to have taken over the bit that it's in. The frost has got the shoots and I might have to bite the bullet and take them off.

9 Jan, 2023


They would be classed as damaged or dead. Wait until Spring though.

9 Jan, 2023


Thank you.

10 Jan, 2023

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