The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Hank

Cheshire, United Kingdom

I moved my rhubarb plant recently but as I dug it up it fell into 5 or 6 pieces. I thought I’d lost it but put in pieces along a plot 3 ft long.
I went past the area to my compost bin and noticed 3 tiny rhubarb leaves coming up. Brilliant, should I cover them with big empty pots !



i wouldn't 'force' them this year, allow them to settle down and grow well in 2022.
then next year you could cover one/two to get pinker sweeter stems.

25 Nov, 2021


I agree with Eileen. I don't grow rhubarb, but my plants always do better when I leave them to sort themselves out.

25 Nov, 2021


Thanks very much Eileen ? Will of course do as you say, thanks too B. Must be a problem with my ipad which tells me my question went in 3 pieces

26 Nov, 2021


yes I am Eileen. That is odd Hank, but I don't have an i-pad so I wouldn't know.

The following year only cover/force one crown then the next do another one etc so that you don't weaken the plants.

26 Nov, 2021


I noticed Bathgate refer to you as Eileen, don’t worry, I forget things rapidly.

26 Nov, 2021


I tend to stick to the names under the avatar as I also struggle to remember names, Hank. I blame being a teacher and having to learn upwards of 280 names every year.

27 Nov, 2021


S.G. I too was a teacher, but fortunately had only about 20 names to remember

1 Dec, 2021


that was lucky. I taught secondary and the kids came to us for an hour lesson then moved on to another subject. Most classes were 30 pupils give or take.

2 Dec, 2021

How do I say thanks?

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