By Teddygirl
United Kingdom
Has any one got any idea of the name of this fern? please thanks ,,

15 Sep, 2010
I don't think that is a fern Teddygirl. It looks like a parlour palm to me. It could be a kentia palm if it is growing outside.
15 Sep, 2010
Thanks Maggy7 and Scotsgran for your welcomed help, I was told it was an outdoor plant ? im having doubts now, it did love the rain though Thanks again 9~))
15 Sep, 2010
Have a look at this website and see if you can spot what you have
15 Sep, 2010
I think that's an Areca Palm (Dypsis [Chrysalidocarpus] lutescens). A common houseplant, here in the States.
15 Sep, 2010
Hi Teddygirl, I'm certain this is Neanthe Bella (Parlour Palm) - I have had many of these over the years. They're a houseplant so please don't leave it outside over winter! I doublechecked my answer on Homebase's website, as that's where I bought the same plant from. Have a look yourself, it's under the houseplant section. It does say a maximum height of 20cm but the last one I had was huge!
16 Sep, 2010
Thanks Tugbrethil and thanks B/Bee26,, youre spot on with its name, while i was out today my local florist had some for sale, its called a "Parlour plant/chineese palm, many thanks to you all, for your help,Happy~gardening x
16 Sep, 2010
It looks like Phoenix canariensis Canary Date Palm it can eventually reach a height of 6' with a spread of about 3' after many years, but indoors it only grows about 6" a year. I havent had this one mine was a smaller type which I lost through leaving it outside in our much cooler N.E. temps while on holiday. If you need anymore info I found it in my plants book.
15 Sep, 2010