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Growing in a garden where I deliver Meals on Wheels. Have never seen it before, had lots of blue flowers until recently, going over now. As you can see the seeds are within two thin bracts. Can't see it in my wild flower guide.

5 Sep, 2019



5 Sep, 2019


1st one is tradescantia or wandering jew

5 Sep, 2019


Agree, it is Commelina coelestis. Used to grow it, but it did not survive one of the really bad winters.

5 Sep, 2019


Thank you. It is Commelina, I have looked it up now on GoY. It is from Southern USA & related to the Tradescants.
I thought it was an annual, anyway I am going to pinch some of its seeds to sow in Spring.

5 Sep, 2019


I don't know about the UK, but here in the desert, it is a terrible weed. It roots wherever it touches the soil, and produces millions of seeds. Very tough, deep roots, too. I was beguiled by its beautiful blue blooms, planted cuttings, and regretted it for 10 years afterward!

6 Sep, 2019


I guess different areas have different names for it. It's a noxious weed I'm always tussling with but a couple members here asked me for some seeds.

6 Sep, 2019


There's C. Benghalensis too that's used as a veg crop in S. Asia though it sounds a bit slimy like okra

6 Sep, 2019


They love their okra down south but I'm not having it.

6 Sep, 2019


Protect young plants from Slugs. They love it!

6 Sep, 2019


I think perhaps I'll try it in a pot & watch out for the seeds!
The plant that attracted me is a lone plant & comes back every year. It is in a sheltered position against the house wall. Maybe it will not be such a problem in the UK. I've read that it hails from Mexico. The deep roots you mention made me think about Green Alkanet. I wouldn't want any of that in my garden.

9 Sep, 2019


The variety we have is a very flimsy plant and sprawls over the ground like a green cloud. Maybe that's why it's called 'spiderwort'. It can't even support its own foliage. The roots aren't deep at all and you can just pick it up like it was nothing, but it shall return. You will have it for life and it knows no boundaries. Before growing this, be sure it won't pose a threat to live stock or anybody's pets. I have a few pics in my gallery.

9 Sep, 2019


I have been looking through your many photos, Paul, & found the ones of Commelina. I enjoyed seeing & reading about Costella & also your house rabbit. Lovely collection of Bearded Irises you have, l love them.

16 Sep, 2019


Thank you so much Feverfew. I just can't have too many Irises, even though I'm running out of space. Sometimes I'll plant some down at the local park. My rabbit, Bedoogles is a real character - like Peter rabbit peeping at me from behind a wall and gone when I try to find him. I often get the unexpected rabbit kiss or he'll suddenly appear out of nowhere and start cuddling and stay with me all day long. My cat wants nothing to do with him. They get along well. I don't mean to discourage you from growing this plant. There are certain varieties used in landscaping that aren't as aggresive - with larger flowers in various colors.

16 Sep, 2019

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