The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Boulder

Stirlingshire, United Kingdom Gb

some of my lettuces in a raised bed suddenly wilted, now another has in a 2nd raised bed I dug this one up and the roots are covered in grey mould is this a virus and can i grow other things in the area

On plant Little gems



hi Boulder and welcome to goy. If it is a mould it is fungus not a virus. Have a close look as at first glance root aphid can look 'mouldy'. There are always fungal spores in the soil so you will be able to grow other things.

4 Sep, 2010


thank you. but why are they flopping and the mould was only under the affected lettuce
it is strange that it was in two different raised beds, quite a way away from each other. I have never had lettuces die like this

4 Sep, 2010


they flop because the roots are unable to take up water. perhaps two plants were infected prior to planting out.

4 Sep, 2010


I would also check the composition of the soil. Too much of the wrong kind of organic matter (grass clippings, fruit & veggie scraps, green leaves, etc.) can encourage that fuzzy gray mold.

4 Sep, 2010

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