The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Elson

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Is this blackcurrant stem alright to plant or not? I have never planted them before. I pruned it off an established, mature blackcurrant bush, which I have also included a photo of, before I pruned it. The newly planted stem is just over a foot/30cm high. I have seen some examples of planting stems on the internet, but each stem is just one straight bit like a short stick, unlike mine. Sorry about the photos. I cannot get a few of them upright.
Thank you for any advice.



How much stem did you leave under the ground? If you want to be pretty sure of current cuttings its good to take them in the autumn, and just use one straight stem. This gives them the whole winter to produce roots before the growing season starts.Yours will soon be ready to come into full leaf and there will be no roots to support it. If you really can't wait until autumn to try again your best chance would be to take off the stems to plant individually. Remove all but the top few buds and bury a third of the stem in the ground.
Nothing venture nothing win but don't hold your breath.

Looking at your photo of the whole bush it looks to me as though it needs feeding. Blackcurrants are gross feeders and all the undergrowth round it is taking too much goodness out of the soil. Weed the area and apply some good compost, and another year do this before the winter.

5 Mar, 2019


Thanks Steragram, that is really helpful. I might say more later. My head is full right now from trying to make those photos upright.

5 Mar, 2019


Not worth worrying about - it happens to loads of people. If I right click a wonky image and choose View Image it turns itself right way up - magic!

5 Mar, 2019


Steragram, I just tried your advice about the photos, but I could not make them upright. I have just remembered that you can also rotate the whole computer screen by pressing and holding down the Control key, then the Alt key, and then the appropriate arrow key.

5 Mar, 2019


Sounds as though you might be using a tablet - my experience is limited to laptops - sorry if it doesn't work for you.

5 Mar, 2019


If the cutting has put on enough root to survive you should be seeing some signs of the buds getting close to bursting into leaf by now. If signs are promising you could then trim the stalks to just a few buds on each so that there's a balance between root size & leaves. Applying some fertiliser would be a good idea now too.
I usually open & adjust my pics in an app before saving & then posting, it gives the added advantage that you can brighten the photos or crop them as needed. There's loads of free apps that'll be good for your particular computer

6 Mar, 2019


Darren it is newly planted so presumably no roots yet.

6 Mar, 2019


well it has 2 chances. It may well root and if so then well done. if in about 2 months it suddenly dies then it didn't root. I find some woody stems have enough moisture for the leaves to break but then they fail. as Steragram said it is better to use single stems.

6 Mar, 2019


Steragram- The timing isn't clear from the original post but I don't think I was contradicting you, just trying to add a bit more

6 Mar, 2019


Crumbs Darren, I didn't think you were - don't worry about it.

7 Mar, 2019

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