By Haziedawn
United Kingdom
Hi can anyone help my poor trees, sadly I had to put them into the planters about 3 years ago after they were in the ground next to the house, we were worried the roots might grow under the house so we moved them. Each year they grow with less and less leaves. How can I get them to be bushy again?

1 May, 2018
1 May, 2018
At least plant them higher. They are showing all the signs of being planted several inches deeper than they were in the ground. They definitely need a bigger pot, too,
2 May, 2018
These trees must have suffered major root damage during transplant. The roots would normally extend out to the drip-line just beneath the surface and would be about equal to the top growth in mass. The outlook for these trees isn't very good - 50% chance. They just don't have enough viable roots to support the top growth. Many times root damage doesn't become evident for a year or two later because they're using up their reserve.
Try to get them back in the ground with 'top-shelf' compost. The top of the rootball must be at surface level. The roots need oxygen too. Then you'll need to do a major pruning by half. Then your trees with stand a better chance of recovery.
2 May, 2018
Thanks everyone I’ve put them back into the ground now, so hopefully they will get better soon.
27 May, 2018
Previous question
they need to go back in the ground really. there just isn't enough root room for them. You could put them in bigger pots and feed regularly. But I think it wont be very successful.
1 May, 2018