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I had bought for me and wife a Hoya kerrii which for several years stayed as a single heart shaped leaf. Then it went into overdrive. It now stands at over 2 foot tall and flowered for the first time this year. My question is can i safely trim the stem back. If so any tips on when the best time to do so, where on the stem is best and can the removed stem be propagated to provide a new plant. It looks like another stem has started half way up. Tried to get thst in close up photo

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I found these instructions on the internet for you .

Insert the lower end of a section of stem with at least two leaves into moist potting soil and, after a few months (hoyas are often very slow to start), the cutting will begin producing new stems and new leaves from dormant buds located on the buried part of the stem, at the leaf axils.

so you can cut back the stem as far as you want. you could take several cuttings as long as there are at least 2 leaves on each section of stem. put the lower end of the cutting in the compost. keep barely moist.

2 Nov, 2017


Cheers for that, gonna try taking the very top section off first. It must have grown 2" in last couple of months.....

2 Nov, 2017

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