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I have a late flowering clematis which my dog dug up last year. Although I thought he had destroyed it, the plucky little thing grew one shoot this year which produced 3 flowers. Should I prune it this year, and how do I get it to be more vigorous?




I wouldn't prune personally if your dog dug it up then it is having to re-establish its root system and this will take time. Just make sure your pooch doesn't dig it up again!

11 Aug, 2017


Thank you

11 Aug, 2017


Make it pooch proof by placing a barrier screen around it by fixing it to stakes around it about a foot away from the stem.

11 Aug, 2017


A light feeding with something mild and slow acting might be in order. Caution is the watchword, though. It is easy to overdo it.

11 Aug, 2017


Thank you all

11 Aug, 2017


A stately home gardener once told me to plant clems through a section of drainpipe.This was to discourage clematis wilt but it would also make digging by the dog much more difficult.

11 Aug, 2017


If its a late flowering variety, then it'll likely be one of those that should be chopped down to 2 buds, or 6-8 inches from the ground in winter, and certainly by beginning of February, so cut it down then. It'll be fine, even if its not a prune group 3, cutting them back encourages more shoots from the base.

11 Aug, 2017

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