Mistletoe has taken - how do I look after?
By Orchidbloom
United Kingdom
A few years ago I put some mistletoe berries into the bark of a rowan tree in our garden & to my surprise this year I have noticed two of the berries have taken. How do I look after them, if they grow Ok during next year & have berries if I cut some for Xmas next year will it grow back OK. Happy christmas to all.
On plant
Viscum album

23 Dec, 2007
What a wonderful thing to achieve! I know that lots of people try to get Mistletoe to 'take' without success. Yours do seem to have taken a long time to grow as much as they have, so I agree with Wyeboy. See how they go, and see if your green fingers will work again from this year's berries. Good luck - welcome to GOY by the way, and Happy Christmas!
23 Dec, 2007
Well done , but if I were you I should forget about cutting mistletoe next year and for a few years yet, eventually you will be able to and then you will have to be careful and not cut it too hard. As you were successful, I would put a couple more berries to grow for the future.
23 Dec, 2007