The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi All :-)
My lovely (90 year old) neighbour received a gorgeous bouquet last week...she asked me what these flowers are and is keen to grow them herself (if it doesn't take too long to see the flowers growing in her garden!!) please can anyone oblige with an answer?? I've done searches thru the usual...I can't pin down a definite answer for her!
Thanx so much (in advance!) for your superior knowledge

On plant Lisianthus??



Oooops! excuse the sideways angle...thought I'd saved to the upright version!! J

18 Oct, 2016


They are Lisianthus but they are usually grown in hotter climates. They might grow in a greenhouse but someone with more knowledge can advise you.

18 Oct, 2016


Yep, Lisianthus, often included in bouquets. They come in a wide range of colours and bi colours, and can be grown from seed - they need to be sown in a heated propagator late winter, then potted up and grown on indoors on a windowsill or in a warm greenhouse and hardened off ready to plant outdoors end of May. Tender, will keel over at the first hint of cold.

19 Oct, 2016


Their ancestors are hard-bitten prairie wildflowers, but the florists' varieties are real hothouse flowers: potential short-lived perennials, but only where the soil doesn't freeze. They also need a fair amount of heat to bloom. We grow them as summer bedding, here in the desert.

19 Oct, 2016


A Big Thank You to Cammomile, Bamboo & Tugbrethil for your fast and informative replies!!
Who needs Google eh??!!
Cheers all :-)
I'll have to point my neighbour in a different direction!! :-D
Thanks so much All x

19 Oct, 2016

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