The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Sheenag

United States Us

I have a 2 year old camellia in a pot on my north west facing balcony in Edinburgh. This year it flowered beautifully and has grown lush and green. My question is should I repot it? If so when and in what kind of compost. I don't want to risk it in any way but I think it may have outgrown it's pot.




How about putting it outside. I have a beautiful one here in my garden in Glasgow.

4 Jun, 2016


It needs ericaceous soil and it shouldn't get early sun on the buds.

4 Jun, 2016


Looks as though it could do with a bigger pot but don't do it while its flowering. You could support it for now by giving it a liquid feed or ericaceous fertilizer, and then when you put it in a new pot use ericaceous compost as Linda says. And yes it needs to be outside.

4 Jun, 2016


Thanks for your answers. It is outside as it's on my balcony. So could I repot now as it's stopped flowering. Thats an old picture?

5 Jun, 2016


If its pot bound you'll be able to lift it out all in one piece without disturbing the roots, so it would be OK to pot it on. If its badly pot bound with the roots going round and round it will help to very gently loosen some of them -you can use an old for or similar, but try not to damage them.

If there's lots of loose compost best wait until autumn.

5 Jun, 2016


Thanks for all your advice.

6 Jun, 2016


Would any of you have any further advice on what to grow successfully on a north -west facing Balcony by the sea in Edinburgh. Last year I mainly grew geraniums as some other things plants were not hardy enough. I love a balcony full of colour so any advice would be good.

6 Jun, 2016

How do I say thanks?

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