The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

South Yorkshire, United Kingdom Gb

Can someone please tell me what this is growing in the middle of my palm tree? Thanks

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flowers. What type of palm is it?

28 May, 2016


I think it is a Cordyline,

28 May, 2016


After it blooms, it will develop a new growing point--or maybe two or three--next to the flower stalk, and continue to form new leaves and trunk. Some people don't, but I prefer to cut off the stalk as soon as the blooms fade, just because the dead stalk can be ugly.

30 May, 2016


Thank you very much to both of you for your replies, I didn't know they could flower, I will keep updated on the Palm trees progress!

1 Jun, 2016


Hi just wanted to share this recent photo of my palm tree, can someone please let me know how long does the flower bloom for ? thanks

11 Jun, 2016

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