By Womble13
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what the 2 plants are in the photos. I'm assuming the white flower plant is a clematis but do not know what variety.The flowers are about 6cm in diameter.

7 May, 2016
Hi Bamboo, the clematis is in flower right now and not an evergreen. I've provided closer pics of the 2 plants, which I took on saturday.
9 May, 2016
oh and the stems are woody on the other plant
9 May, 2016
Well I'm pretty sure the Clematis is actually C. cartmanii 'Early Sensation' (see link below for image). It is an evergreen, but may not keep its leaves in exposed situations, or in pots or where the growing conditions are not entirely favourable. The shape of the leaves definitely indicates an evergreen variety rather than a deciduous one, but have a look at the pic, which also shows some of the leaves
and google the name separately and select Images to see more.
Not at all sure what the other plant is - have you ever seen it flower at all?
9 May, 2016
Hi, for the first photo, have a look at Daphne odora 'aureomarginata' Derek.
10 May, 2016
Previous question
« Any ideas what this plant is? Perhaps a well established weed?
Is the clematis in flower right now, or was this pic taken last year? It doesn't look like an evergreen variety, is that right? Close up of a flower would help, to see the stamens clearly...
Not sure about the other plant, doesn't ring any bells, anymore info about it? Like flowers? Is this what it looks like right now? Are the stems woody or soft?
7 May, 2016