By Womble13
United Kingdom
New Lawn? Last September I laid turf down in the garden, I followed the advice Monty provided on gardeners world and everything went to plan. However now the winter has passed and grass has been cut a couple of times it appears all is not well with the lawn. I have quite a few bald spots, and I'm not sure what is the best approach to fix it. I have off cuts left over from when I laid the lawn so could dig up the areas and fill. I also have grass seed in the shed. Is there anyone out there who can provide some advice on this please?
Does anyone have any ideas on what would have caused this?

7 May, 2016
Hi Bamboo, I've added a close up pic which hopefully will be more helpful and yes the blades on the lawnmower do need sharpening. Its another item on my list of learn how to do. Thanks for the advise with this I think I will monitor for a couple of weeks then reseed as suggested.
9 May, 2016
Nothing obvious infection wise in the close up, its probably just where the turf didn't 'take' properly...
9 May, 2016
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Need a close up pic really, can't tell if there's any disease or anything, but its not unusual for turf to develop dead patches or bits that just don't 'take', so overseeding is probably best - you need to create a fine tilth in the bare parts to sow the seed onto though. The only trouble with seeding is, you won't be able to use any treatments, including lawn food, for another three months. The bare areas don't seem very big though, just a bit patchy, so you could just feed it and keep it cut and watered, see what happens. Is your lawnmower sharp enough? Its hard to see properly, but there's a hint that maybe it isn't...
7 May, 2016