I read an earlier post about helianthus lemon queen spreading too much and difficulties on getting rid of it?
By Youngalistai
United Kingdom
I read an earlier post here about helianthus lemon queen spreading too much in u.s. and the difficulties on getting rid of it?. I was surprised as i had never thought about it becoming invasive. Having said that! last year i split it up as told to do every 3 years to keep it flowering well and i had so much of it i gave pieces away!. I hope i havent saddled myself with another invasive plant i wonder if it is as bad in the u.k.? as this lady says it is in the u.s. Anyone else in the u.k. had problems with it coming up everywhere even in their lawns ? is it another running bamboo type plant? after reading several posts on the net maybe im jumping the gun a bit several nurseries regard it as non invasive..helenium laetiflorus seems to be the one that runs in the u.s also i read a funny article on helenium turberosus "Before you plant sunchokes read this post" obviously the jerusalem artichoke is "once planted never forgotten"

26 Jan, 2016
I'm also in the UK and haven't had any problems with my 'Lemon Queen', it does gradually spread but not enough to make it a problem. I just divide it about every 3/4 years.
26 Jan, 2016
mine certainly isn't a thug and I cant get Jerusalem artichokes to take at all :o(
clearly my soil isn't to their liking.
26 Jan, 2016
Well I am in the UK and I have found that all the perennial Helianthus, except H. salicifolius have a tendency to spread wider than their allotted spaces if not managed.
Strangely though we cannot keep Heleniums going at all, except Sahin's Early Flowerer. All the others have gradually died out on us.
26 Jan, 2016