The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Surrey, United Kingdom Gb


I have a tropical garden and have to bring my tenderest plants indoors in October. I have several large colocasias, from the west indies and a black colocasia. They have continued to grow very quick but the leaves are discolouring to yellow. Will they be OK over winter. What about the yellowing?
Any answers will be appreciated.

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You might find the leaves on the Colocasia die back because they don't like being inside. Shouldn't be a problem, they should regrow in spring. They can also be lifted, cut back, left to dry out and then stored in sand boxes for winter, and started into growth in early spring indoors.

16 Nov, 2015


The Strelitzia should be fine indoors, as long as it gets plenty of light.

17 Nov, 2015


What Strelitzia, Tug?

17 Nov, 2015


it is a Strelitzia reginae thank you

17 Nov, 2015


The plant to the right of the black Colocasia in the first pic, Bamboo. I admit that I thought that it was a Strelitzia nicolai, but they are hard to tell apart at that stage.

18 Nov, 2015


I am impressed with your knowledge

I have taken notes

Thank you

18 Nov, 2015


I assumed it was a Canna, going from a previous question!

18 Nov, 2015


Thank you for your quick replies. You have just reminded me to bring in my cannas, I forgot. The weather has been so warm I overlooked them. Thanks again. What type of garden do you have?


18 Nov, 2015


Oh, nothing but a balcony full of plants now - I still do client's gardens, just not many now, more or less retired.

18 Nov, 2015

How do I say thanks?

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