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White powdery substance on houseplant


By Bazan22

Cheshire, United Kingdom Gb

Hello. My houseplant appears to be secreting a powdery white substance at the leaf joints. It can also be seen dotted on the underside of some leaves. Now new leaves are turning yellow and dying at the top of the plant. Can anyone help please.
(I have tried adding a photo but Idon't think I've succeeded!)

Houseplant_problem_035 Houseplant_problem_037



Possibly mealy bug. Try painting some of it with meths . If that dissolves it that's what it is and you just need to carry on and do the lot. If that clears it you may find it a good idea to tip the plant out of the pot to look at the roots, as sometimes they are affected as well. The treatment is the same, though not as easy because of the compost, which you'll have to wash off first. I think there is a chemical control for the roots but have never used it.

6 Aug, 2015


Thank you for your response. I will try the meths.

6 Aug, 2015


Try a 50% solution of isopropyl alcohol. That will the dissolve the wax coating that you see with which the mealy bugs protect themselves with. Also, if you have it in the UK you can try an insecticidal soap. See if that works first before you pull the plant out of the pot. Check any other plants you may have in you're home and always carefully check any new plant very carefully before you bring it into you're home.

6 Aug, 2015


Its called surgical spirit in the UK. same effect on mealy bug as meths, which you are more likely to have in your garage..

8 Aug, 2015

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