The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Rozgee

Why hasn't my heavenly blue flowered. I have two both in pots, neither of which has flowered this year.



Heavenly Blue what?

10 Jul, 2015


I wonder if you mean Caryopteris clandonensis 'Heavenly Blue' - if you do, these should be hard pruned, back to stems about 2 or 3 inches long, in spring, to keep them bushy and shapely. They like full sun and fairly rich, moist but well drained soil conditions - do they otherwise look very healthy? How long have they been in the same pots? Could they be potbound?

10 Jul, 2015


There's also a Lithodora and a Morning Glory heavenly blue, all very different.

10 Jul, 2015


Also Penstemon 'Heavenly Blue'.

11 Jul, 2015


And a Clematis.

11 Jul, 2015


the fact it is in a pot may be the reason why. it has been very hot and dry this year in parts and the fluctuations may well be the reason.

13 Jul, 2015

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