The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Cheshire, United Kingdom

I have a Stachyurus Praecox, bought two years ago, growing in a tub, before planting out. It looked v pretty this spring, but now seems to be going downhill. It is in a compost-rich situation and is watered regularly. I have an Amelanchia in a similar state, which I am worried about. I did not prune either tree last winter/spring.
Any advice?
Barry McKinnon



Unfortunately, 'going downhill' doesn't really describe what's happening other than a general observation that its not looking well - can you add photographs?

Otherwise, Stachyurus likes acid soil conditions, Amelanchier does not like limey soil, happy in neutral to acidic, so perhaps the ph of your soil might be an issue. Otherwise, check the trunk, branches, stems and leaves for signs of infestation or disease in case there's anything you've missed. Without more info regarding the symptoms you're seeing, or pictures, its hard to say anything else.

30 Jun, 2015

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