By Jamesmac
United Kingdom
Hello All. Question time again. I have this really annoying gap between the Roses( dead centre in photo ) through which I can see and hear my one and only neighbour. I can't do anything about the fence,as its on his side,and there's almost no gap behind the you can imagine, it's even worse in winter. Is there a tall (6/7ft )evergreen which I can plant to intermingle.
Thanks again

22 May, 2015
Yes to the rugosa roses( I think ) .The camera was pointed due East, so partial morning sun,stronger after noon.
22 May, 2015
And the birds love holly....
22 May, 2015
You could keep a Viburnum tinus at that height easily. I have one doing exactly that job in front of a weary conifer hedge. But you can hear through it!
22 May, 2015
V tinus was in my mind too.....or Prunus lauroserasus?.....
Bamboo would mask the noise with its own but would also run a mile ?
24 May, 2015
Its hearing not listening Snoop. Who wants to hear a self willed toddler yelling for his own way all the time???
24 May, 2015
Not me!.....popped into Asda for a hedgehog and the children were shreiking.....went right through me. ?
24 May, 2015
Asda, hedgehog???
24 May, 2015
Have you not tried it?.....its bread, a big bloomer with a punk haircut....little pointy dough all over, a bit like snowy icing on a christmas cake but golden brown.... hard to explain except to say that the crust isn't too hard and the bread itself keeps well and is really nice
no asda near me so its a treat when I go in that direction.....
making me hungry ?
26 May, 2015
Am I right that they're rugosa roses? Deep cerise like a dog rose...
does it get any sun there?.....
i was thinking an evergreen flowering shrub but it depends on the light levels and type of soi,
22 May, 2015