The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Neilb

United Kingdom Gb

I once saw a device for taking cuttings, it was a ball that split into two halves which you put compost into. this then clipped around the stem of the plant you were taking a cutting from . It was made from clear plastic and was left on the plant until root growth had taken place. Does anyone know what it is called and where I could get it from?



I've seen something about these very recently. I think what you've seen may be from (USA) or the Rooter Pot (again USA) - or the UK version is a cut down plastic bottle, or even a plastic bag (which is much lighter in weight and therefore less likely to cause the stem to break)

12 Apr, 2015


Hi, welcome to GoY, this is a variation on the air layering of plants whose stems will form roots when damaged, all you need to do is make a slit into the stem, [remove a few leaves if necessary], pack the resulting tongue with damp sphagnum moss, and enclose the whole lot in a plastic sleeve tied at top and bottom, when you see roots, detatch from the parent plant and pot up, no need at all for , no doubt expensive, new gadgets, the 'old fashioned ' way, is still just as effective, Derek.

12 Apr, 2015


Thanks guys I actually found what I was looking for on eBay Irish air propagater :)

14 Apr, 2015

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