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West Midlands, United Kingdom Gb

Hi its mark can anyone tell me why my honeysuckle has never flowered / Ihave had it 4 years it produces plenty of leaves but never any flowers



First, do you know which variety it is; second, have you ever pruned or cut it back, and if so, when, and is it in sun or shade?

2 Jul, 2010


Some do seem a bit reluctant. They should flower on laterals from the main stems so keep trimming off the ends to encourage side shoots.

2 Jul, 2010


hi bamboo the name of m honeysuckle is lonicera periclymenum belgica .Last year i cut it down to 6 inches above ground and now it is over 8 feet tall growing up a treellis on a wall no sighns of any buds hope you can help me with this one would love to see it flower

2 Jul, 2010


This one prefers a bit of shade and should not be cut down to the ground - you can thin out dead wood in winter, and reduce the stems by about a third, but remember this plant wants to be up to 12 feet, and will flower better if it is left to do that.

4 Jul, 2010

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