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shropshire, United Kingdom Gb

bedding geraniums we have some in the borders and wondering if we can keep them for next year do we leave in the ground or take them up before frost please tell us how or if they will store they have been a real show and they were not really cheap it would be nice to keep them



You should dig them up and pot them into 5" (13cm) pots and keep them in a cool, bright, frost free place. I would personally cut them back by 2/3 and keep them on the dry side all winter.

Good luck

18 Oct, 2014


Yoy certainly can keep them Steve..but you will need to pot them up,and keep them frost free over winter..they won't survive outdoors..You can pot them seperately,in a pot not much bigger than the root system,in multi purpose compost or if some have small roots,I put three to a bigger pot..Take off all the dead or dying foliage first,and spent flowers,and trim back to where you can see new growth.... keep them on the dry side..When you have done this,you will probably see some of the remaining leaves wilting or going yellow..just take them off as you see them.I have just done mine,and I keep them in the Conservatory over winter..In spring ,give them a good watering and a feed,and prune them back if necessary... can use those for cuttings if you want..Some cut them back by about half,before they pot them up,but I only take the dead stuff off at this time..and I let any new flowers bloom,and trim as and when they need it...maybe what I do,is different from others,as we sometimes have different methods,but it works for me..Hope this helps,Steve..good luck :o)

18 Oct, 2014


There's an echo in here !!!!!

18 Oct, 2014


Well if you think flowers are complicated then don't try growing citrus or banana. ;o)

18 Oct, 2014


I agree with everything you say Bloomer!

except for leaving them in the ground.......
we all know last years exceptional winter, when I complemented an old gardener on his magnificent big strong geraniums full of flowers he admitted thst last year he didn't take them out as usual......
can't imagine two such nice though ?

19 Oct, 2014


It isn't as complicated as you think,Steve..not for Pelargoniums,anyway..they will just tick over,during the winter,and wait till you see new growth appearing,after you have cut them back in will be glad you saved them :o)

19 Oct, 2014


Didn't somebody suggest digging them up and wrapping in newspaper & putting in the garage, rather as you would dahlias? I'm wondering whether to try it.

21 Oct, 2014


I remember that too,Sue.but sadly,I can't remember from whom,or when..oh, these darned senior moments ! :o)

21 Oct, 2014


Hi Sue, re wrapping pelargonium in newspaper, it was Scotkat, in answer to Davebuchanan, on 16th oct.
Best of luck, Derek.

24 Oct, 2014


Thank you Derek! I thought it was longer ago than that. Have just had a look - very encouraging.

24 Oct, 2014

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