what is this
By Mellie
United Kingdom
thankyou spritzhenry have posted another photo including leaves it stands around 6inches tall at moment, if someone could help i would very much appreciate it

22 Jul, 2008
no i dont think so only lived here for 3months and noticed about a month a go that there was 4 red stems which then died off very quickly to produce that camouflage stem with green leaves, had another look this afternoon and there is about 8 of them now,
22 Jul, 2008
Arisaemas can be tricky to grow so whoever planted it knew what they wre doing!
22 Jul, 2008
Definitely an Arisaema and tomorrow I will go and look at the label in the garden to tell you which one. They are fairly easy to grow in the right woodland conditions. If Arum maculatum grows ( Lords and Ladies, Cuckoo pint) then Arisaemas will grow too.
22 Jul, 2008
thankyou owdboqqy that would be great i have never seen one before and i thought it was unusual, my youngest daughter is training to be a landscape gardener and her boss said it was a eucalyptus tree god help us, dont rate her chances lol
22 Jul, 2008
Actually looking at the markings on the stem I think it is more likely to be Sauromatum venosum, which is closely related to Arisaemas,
22 Jul, 2008
thanks owdboqqy just had a look at it on line and i think you have cracked it, a voodoo lily, hope i can be of help to you sometime
22 Jul, 2008
I feel quite chuffed I identified it from the stemin your first posting!!!!!
23 Jul, 2008
Certainly looks like Arisaema - has it had any flowers before?
22 Jul, 2008