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Hi I have what I think is comffrye growing in my garden and want to utilise it on my allotment as a fertiliser. How do I know though that it is the right variety as from readin a number of gardening websites Bocking 14 is what I really need?



Bad spelling sorry - rushing! I did mean comfrey!

12 Jun, 2010


Any variety of comfrey can be added to your compost or cut and laid at the bottom of a trench when sowing veg. You can also make a decoction by soaking the comfrey in water in a plastic, wood or stone bucket (not metal) and leaving to steep for a week or so. Take a look at my blog on this

12 Jun, 2010


Thank you so much - will also enjoy reading your website!

12 Jun, 2010


I love your spelling of 'comffrye' (looks like it could have come out of an original medieval herbal!)
Bocking 14 is just a selected cultivar of comfrey (Lawrence Hills of HDRA discovered it) which grows more vigorously and is supposed to flower less. When we moved here we found comfrey wouldn't grow as well because of the drier climate. Instead we use nettles to make liquid feed which is every bit as effective as comfrey.
I used cut and wilted comfrey for years in potato trenches and around plants, and I have to say I really don't think it made that much difference. As a compost it isn't that good in my opinion as it dries down to very little and has little remaining fibre for improving the soil. However, added to the compost heap it really does work as an effective activator.

12 Jun, 2010


As well as nettles horsetail is good for making a decoction with that acts as a fungicide. Whilst Wormwood, pyrethrum and English ivy can all be made into decoctions to use as insecticides. Isn't nature wonderful!

12 Jun, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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