take cuttings
By Caroleann
United States
how 2 take cuttings and reproduce plants hebee
On plant
18 Jul, 2008
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I have this in my GoY calendar:
Hebes are easily propagated from 3–4 in cuttings taken in summer (June - August) from the current season’s growth. Cuttings are taken just below a leaf joint. The bottom two pairs of leaves are removed and the cuttings dipped into a rooting hormone, although this not essential. These are then inserted into a soil-based John Innes Compost.
Young plants should be potted up in the spring. Remove the growing tip to induce a more bushy plant. Plants normally flower in the first year.
19 Jul, 2008
Make sure you place them in the shade and do not them them dry out.
20 Jul, 2008
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Hallo Caroleann - I answered a question from petemc today on taking cuttings, so if you look further down the list of questions, there's some help for you. Good luck.
18 Jul, 2008