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Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Hi, can anyone tell me when is the best time to take buddleja cuttings thank you Lemondog



Hi, you can take semi ripe cuttings in summer, or B davidii ripe cuttings in autumn, Derek.

21 Mar, 2014


Today, or this weekend. And into April and May.

Gritty compost, bottom heat and fresh growing shoots (softwood) a few inches long (7-12cm) will root in a week or two and grow into proper plants by the summer. It is also convenient now as pruned material can be used.

Summer cuttings have the disadvantage that developing flower buds inhibit rooting. And over-wintering cuttings is a nightmare with our unpredictable climate.

21 Mar, 2014


Seedlings do pop up in odd places but tend to be the common lilac-mauve type as these are most robust. Buddleja davidii will never come true from seed.

The annoying thing is that they are very tricky to grow from seed to select for new cultivars as the pricking out is so fiddly. Survival of the fittest will give you lots of lilac-mauve plants again.

All commercial plants are produced from cuttings.

22 Mar, 2014


Thanks very much everyone, I have a good chance of success now I have the pale lilac, red,white,pink varigated deep purple and the orange, thanks again.

22 Mar, 2014

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