By C2itken
United Kingdom
I didn't realise that there is a separate bonsai section!
I have a tree that I think is a Scots Pine, which I have grown from seed, planted in 1975, re-potted three or four times, I have always pinched out half hight of the candles each year and done a little wiring but this year some of the candles look different? fatter, and like small sweet corn? I hope this is normal and if anyone knows different I am willing to learn!
Could it be pine cones growing on such a small tree? or is it bugs?
Please help as this tree is like a family member and I want it to survive!
Asked from the GoYpedia
bonsai page

17 May, 2010
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Thank you Tug, for your reassuring news that all seems to be well with my little tree! I will get round to taking a better picture and putting it on my page.
Funny this should happen this year as I have a twisted "Hazel" that had some magnificent minute red flowers on its buds which have all become little nuts!
I am amazed that I get a reply from you in Phoenix America !!!
17 May, 2010
Well, there isn't a whole lot of overlap between our plant palettes, Ken, but pines are in there--though I have a Japanese Black Pine, rather than a Scotch Pine!
17 May, 2010
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« Help with identification please. Hello everyone, grateful if you could supply...
It's blooming, Ken! That is, it's forming the male cones, which will produce pollen, and then fall off. I didn't see any female cones, but they're a little harder to see at that magnification. Male cones usually come out first as a tree matures, anyway. Don't be too surprised at such a small tree growing up. Maturity in trees is more often a function of age, than of size.
17 May, 2010