non-invasive root systems
By Bentley1
United Kingdom
we are soon to move into a new house and have been told that we can't plant anything that will develop a invasive root system, what do you suggest we plant that will give us year round colour.
8 Jul, 2008
Previous question
Trees are the only plant-life that might be meant, I think. If you plant trees too near a house the roots can damage the foundations. So if you stick to shrubs (keeping them under control by pruning at the right time) and flowers, both perennial and annual, you should have no problem. You need to find out what the soil is like before deciding what to plant - if it's good soil or builders' rubble, also whether it's acid or alkaline. This you can do with a simple test kit from your local garden centre or B&Q. You also need to know in which direction the garden points - whether it is sunny or shady. When you know all this, we can suggest suitable plants for you.
8 Jul, 2008