Help with cactus identification etc.
By Martinbailey
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me the 'proper' name of this plant? ( we just affectionately know it as 'Spot' ! )
Also, can anyone explain why it's recently sprouted those elongated pads and started drooping, and suggest any corrective action? Thanks ! Martin.

7 Jul, 2008
It's an Opuntia Microdasys (not absolutely sure about the spelling). The reason the pads are growing elongated is twofold - too much heat and too little sun. Keep it in a south-facing window if you can. As you are probably already aware, simply brushing against this plant will leave a lot of tiny hairs or spines in your skin which will irritate. Best way to get these out is wrap some sticky tape (sellotape or duct tape) around your free hand sticky side out, then brush it carefully over the spines.
18 Feb, 2009
Previous question
Hi Martin,
Its a species of Opuntia but I'm not sure exactly which one. Its just started growing and may be lacking sufficient light. But these long ones often need support when grown inside - you'll have to put in a small cane.
7 Jul, 2008