By Wolfwitch
west glamorgan,
United Kingdom
i have found black mold on my honeysuckle, at least i think its black mold, the leaves are covered with a whitish powdery coating. what can i do to treat it organically to treat it??
7 Jul, 2008
Interested to know why you would call it black mold when it is white and powdery....I think what you have is powdery mildew...and you can breathe a sigh of relief because powdery mildew is not as serious a problem as might be. you can spray your honeysuckle with a solution of baking soda in water... don't slosh it around just spray on affected surfaces and try not to get too much on the soil...
humidity and lack of ventilation will worsen it. so check that it's not crowded....when the weather cools off again it should disappear. good luck.
7 Jul, 2008