Non Flowering Hydrangea
By Jayne101
United Kingdom
I've had a hydrangea in the garden for three years now, it is very healthy each year with good leaf growth. Last year it just grew in size. This year it has come out with lots of green buds but none of them appear to want to flower. Has anyone any advice to help me get this Hydrangea to flower?
25 Jun, 2008
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Hi Jayne... What type of hydrangea are your growing?..if it is a climbing hydrangea they sometimes take 3 to 5 years to establish themselves before they flower...sometimes they remain in the budding stage for a while longer than we expect...just be patient...and if the buds don't open...there's always next year... and in the meantime you can give it a google and see if there's anything obvious that you may or maynot be rush here ...because once your hydrangeo starts to bloom you will be so glad you didn't lose patience and rip it out... Cheers! Lori
26 Jun, 2008
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Sorry! Cant help :( But I had a shrub once and it wouldn't flower so I SHOUTED at it and told it if it didn't flower that I would dig it up and the next year it flowered and ended up with little type apples on it that you cauld use as aspec or somthing spelt like that it makes a jelly???
Go on, go and Shout at it, see if it works LOL Jackie xx
26 Jun, 2008