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Ilex aquifolium i don't know the English common name

France, France

I would like to do some cutting of Ilex but i don't know when and how i have to do please can anyone tell me the best way many thank



Do it in the winter time. cut the branch with the old stem. And I use stronger rooting hormone (4). Of course, bottom heat, because I did it in winter time. Lot of success I had. I've tried with Ilex aquifoilum, and its varieties.

22 Jun, 2008


I have put this reminder in my GoY calendar for taking Holly cuttings:
they can be propagated from cuttings taken from the current season's growth. The cuttings need to be two to three inches long with the bottom leaves removed and these can be placed around the side of a five inch pot in a peat/sharp grit mixture. After watering the cuttings in well the pots can then be placed in a sheltered spot in the garden or in a cold frame. The time to take the cuttings is September/October time and these are classed as semi-hardwood cuttings.

22 Jun, 2008

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