Something New to Me...
By 1198
Ionia County Michigan,
United States
I was just given this plant called a "Setcreasea pallida". The picture doesn't do it's a deep reddish purple and there is a dainty pink flower on one end. I'm in Zone 5 (USA), this plant indicates zones 8-11. However, a friend of a local person gave it to me. Indicates a "trailing, spreading" habit. Does anyone know more about this plant, if it's one of those that totally takes over and I'll be sorry I put in in my garden. I plan on planting with a Euonymous, which will also spread, however slowly. Both to be contained in a bricked area.
On plant
Setcreasea pallida

20 Jun, 2008
I reckon you've hit on something, Wyeboy, those joints look familiar, only mine is green with bluey-purple flowers. It is not thuggish, though. I don't need to contain it at all.
21 Jun, 2008
Bought this plant at the local village fete for 50p at the beginning of the month (the only fete I have ever been to where there was NO plant stall, this was the only plant for sale and found on the 'second-hand' stall ).
It is commonly known as 'Wandering Jew' and is related to Tradescantia according to the information on this website:
Here in the UK it is usually grown as a trailing house-plant.
21 Jun, 2008
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I think it could be a Tradescansia?
21 Jun, 2008