The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Manche, France Fr

I have just removed a large wood pile from my garden, after being there for 9 years. I would like to know if the soil would be any good for planting vegetables, once I have dug over and composted. Or would the soil be harbouring too many insects from the rotton wood.



I would turn it over before the heavy frost put Manure on it let it over winter then howe it down -- Try to grow
cauliflowers as they love well manured soil ot potatoes -- Nothing ventured nothing gained I say -Ken

7 Nov, 2013


I wouldn't worry about the insects the ones that eat rotting wood don't eat vegetables. As Ken says dig it over now I wouldn't worry to much about the manure if you don't have just add compost next spring.

7 Nov, 2013


As MG said, insects, mainly beetles that live in wood don't normally make their home in soil and eat vegetation. They will probably disappear to a more favourable environment once the wood is removed.

7 Nov, 2013


Thanks for your responses. I will certainly take your advice and hopefully reap the rewards next year.

13 Nov, 2013

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