The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Hank

Cheshire, United Kingdom Gb

Identification please. Not plants !

I just found these in my late wife's gardening store. They're about 2ft 6 ins long and have been in there for over 5 years. They look a bit like rockets !
What are they, and are they still of any use or should I chuck them away ? Thanks.




they look like garden candles to me.

9 Aug, 2013


Thanks Catty, if you're correct I shall be throwing them away,

9 Aug, 2013


your welcome.

9 Aug, 2013


they do indeed look like candles. they may be citronella types to keep the mozzies off.

9 Aug, 2013


Ah, keeps the mozzies away, thanks, they never bother me but I'll pass them onto my daughter.

9 Aug, 2013

How do I say thanks?

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