By Theclose
United Kingdom
Ive repotted it fed it talked to it tried various spots in the garden but it ain't going to flower!! Any ideas
9 Jun, 2008
Azelia's love acid and one of the best souces is a concrete foundation (concrete emits acid into the soil) AND coffee grounds. Starbucks gives bags of espresso grounds away free just for the asking.
Try using chunks of concrete in your large well drained pot and feed it the normal approiate fertilizers AND a regular treat of coffee grounds.
Then if it still doens't bloom, talk very nicely to it and explain that you simply don't have time for a difficult child and you WILL replace it with a more amicable plant who wants to bloom its flool head off!!!! LOLOL
Hope this helps
Miss Flitterbug
9 Jun, 2008
ericaceous compost,definitely and as a last resort try and sing to it
9 Jun, 2008
Previous question
« My plant is about 5 years old I don't cut it back in winter should I also it...
Did you use ericaceous compost to pot it? Does it look healthy apart from not flowering?
9 Jun, 2008