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baby cucumbers turning yellow


By Eve6msf

United States

Is this normal. I have a bunch of cucumbers but some at the bottom( I am growing vertically) at turning yellow. anyone have this happen?



ours did this... just snip them off! The plant is putting so much energy into growing and producing that some cucumbers don't develop. If ur plant has other cucumbers further up or flowers you should be ok! also watch out for the leaves turning yellow this will be a magnesium deficiency all you need are some epsom salts mixed with water and you will have a healthy plant!

9 Jun, 2008


Hi, does the epsom salt remedy work with courgettes as well, as the leaves on my courgettes are turning yellow. How much do you use and do you just apply onec? Thanks

9 Jun, 2008


they will counteract yellowing leaves caused by magnesium deficiency in any plants dissolve 2 and a half oz/ 70g in 2galls/9litres of water and spray directly onto plants. They can also improve soil quality just scatter 20g per square metre/ half an oz per square yard over a bed and mix in! I use it whenever i see signs this is usually more than one application! It works!

9 Jun, 2008


Not absolutely sure about cucs, but if this was a courgette, I'd say that the problem was with pollination. Maybe tickle the flowers with a paintbrush?

9 Jun, 2008


Thank you. I will be getting some epson salt. I hear that also works with peppers as well. So spray directly onto leaves?

10 Jun, 2008


We have had the same problem with our cucumbers grown under glass in pots. The larger the pot the less frequent the problem, I suspect it is directly related to space for roots (pot size if grown in pots), frequency of watering and feeding. We removed all of the yellow cucumbers, maintained watering once a day with feeding once a week and healthy ones have grown since.

20 Jul, 2008

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