By Heather
United Kingdom
When is the best time to sow seeds of Prunella grandiflora.
On plant
Prunella grandiflora
18 Jan, 2010
Thankyou Nicky for that quick answer. Should I put them in the cold greenhouse or spoil them with a little touch of warmth? It would appear that you put them in the heated greenhouse. The variety is 'Bella Deep Rose'.
18 Jan, 2010
You can put them somehwere warm, provided you can keep them some where frost free after germination untill the risk of frost has gone. I would say if you cant keep them warm after germinating in Feb, wait untill mid march time when frosts are less likely ish! If you have a greenhouse then prick seedlings out and keep frost free, light and with a bit of warmth.
19 Jan, 2010
That sounds like good advice. I will sow in a few weeks. Thankyou for your time and help.
19 Jan, 2010
Previous question
I sowed loads for a job late last February. They can be done then or in april but early sowings usually flower the same year. I only sowed them in February as where I work, the greenhouses are heated from feb onwards. They were quick to germinate and grow
18 Jan, 2010