The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Howee74

United Kingdom Gb

Hi, can anyone recommend a trailing houseplant for a shady spot?



Tradescantia zebrina

12 Mar, 2013



12 Mar, 2013


Or Scindapsus

12 Mar, 2013


Philodendron scandens
Ficus pumila

12 Mar, 2013


Agree with Scindapsus, but not with Tradescantia zebrina - I have this and it loses most of its colour in shady situations, though it continues to grow. Another option is Grape Ivy or Mermaid Vine - there's some argument about its Latin name, so it might be sold as Rhoicissus rhomboidea, or Cissus rhombifolia. The Mermaid Vine has more dissected leaves, and its usually listed as Rhoicussus rhomboidea 'Ellen Danica'.

13 Mar, 2013


Used to grow tradescantia zebrina under the benches in the palm house i used to look after in Brighton Bamboo. I have some on my very dark kitchen window sil at the moment and it's thriving !!!

13 Mar, 2013


Great, thanks everyone

14 Mar, 2013


Oh it grows just fine in shady situations, Andy, no question, but its nowhere near as colourful as in a bit of sun, well at least, mine isn't.

14 Mar, 2013


How about Epipremnum aureum, Devil's Ivy? I have one at the back of my home office where it gets very little light and it's starting to take over!

17 Mar, 2013

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