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shrubs and plants


By Jade1

United Kingdom

can i relocate my shrubs and plants at this time of year



I wouldn't. Not really. If it was something that I was particularly fond of then I really would leave it till mid Autumn. Taking care not to spade the roots in the process. Some plants don't transplant that well anyway. I know that conifers such as Lleylandii don't.
To move any plants then you don't want to leave it till winter as Autumn is the best time for planting pretty much anything as the soil is still quite cosy for the roots. Exposing the roots
in the winter cold is not very good.
Plus, if you plant in the Autumn then you'll have the remainder of the season and the next for the plant/s to bed themselves and to become more established for the growing months. They'll still grow of course, if you transplanted next year but they would use their energies on establishing as well instead of just growing.
Whatever you decide to do, have fun.

3 Jun, 2008


Jade, it rather depends on what you want to move. If it's a perennial plant, then you will probably get away with it as long as you dig up the whole of the rootball with soil too, pop it straight into its prepared new place and water well. Shrubs and trees are definitely better moved while they are dormant. As Adrian says, some things don't like being moved and will either die or sulk.

5 Jun, 2008


Best done in November and never when it's in flower.

5 Jun, 2008

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