By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I am hankering after trilliums. but which ones. does any one grow them? what would you recomend? soil is over chalk bed rock, reasonable humus [can add more] especially beech leafmould, quite well draining and in semi shade. the bed is flagged as my shed border and i renovated it during the summer.
7 Nov, 2009
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I've just PM'd you with the info on an offer from Kevock - the prices are good and we've order 7 different trilliums. I love them :-)
7 Nov, 2009
I ALWAYS get the blame, Sbg. SIGH. I've got broad shoulders! :-O
Mg - may I please have the same info?
7 Nov, 2009
Oh, sure... no prob.
7 Nov, 2009
but its a nice blame spritz. fame and sorry no fortune.
thanks ever so much mg. i will pour over them hopefully tomorrow.
7 Nov, 2009
have you bought from them before mg? the reason i ask is a mate has told me never to buy them in the dormant state as they are extremely temperamental. I aso found it odd that they say they cant guarentee [sp?] correct id. they are inexpensive thats for sure.
8 Nov, 2009
We've bought a lot of bulbs from then and buy every year, we also know them personally and know they will replace or refund money if there is ever a problem. Earlier in the year we ordered bulbs to plant in the autumn and when they came we were not happy with all of them Mr MB sent the ones we weren't happy about back with a letter and we instantly received a cheque, a sincere apology and some free bulbs. The nursery is at Gardening Scotland every year (our version of Chelsea) and for the past several years they've won the trophy for best garden in show!
8 Nov, 2009
thats reassuring then i might just give them a go. part of me thinks at that price......
8 Nov, 2009
All I can say is we've bought 5 different ones from them... In my experience a lot of nurseries put that caveat on bulbs as they have only got the growers word for what they are being supplied with. We've had bulbs from nurseries (not this one) that turned out to be a completely different species when grown and not something we wanted.
8 Nov, 2009
West Country Nurseries offer a good selection and so do Crug Farm. They are reliable sellers, however there are smaller nurseries out there. The bulbs are very expensive, I've seen some very rare varieties up to £25 each!! The bog standard ones vary from about £4- £8 each
Pop the Nursery names in google, or google the variety you want under pages from the UK and you will find a range of retailers.
8 Nov, 2009
thanks i will also look at them . burncoose nursery in devon/cornwall is another one i know of.
8 Nov, 2009
Kevock is selling 5 tubers for £12 and, as I say they have an excellent reputation! Or we would not buy from them.
8 Nov, 2009
my only worry is my soil is more neutral/alkaline so i will have to be careful as to which species i get. you are acidic arent you mg?
8 Nov, 2009
Oooh! That's a thought, before I order any! I'm neutral here!
8 Nov, 2009
i keep reading up on them and many are neutral to acid so you should be ok spritz. its if i can keep it neutral enough. the camellia is in the same bed and needs a tonic to keep it happy.
oh decisions decisions?
8 Nov, 2009
I fell for the red ones,Sbg, at Wisley! T. sessile, I think they are. I'm going to clear a bit of shady border for them! Not sure which other sort to get, but I shall do some searching to see which I prefer.
8 Nov, 2009
I would like some of those and the all white one grandifolra. i will take a chance and order them. its nice when other goers can recommend them [thanks moon grower]
8 Nov, 2009
Dig some ericaceous compost and some leaf mould in the soil beforehand and you should be on the right track.
8 Nov, 2009
thats what i am planning to do. i have beech leaf mould which is quite acidic. and i have lots and lots of it. :o)
8 Nov, 2009
They don't like really alkaline conditions but can survive well in neutral soil. ours is only acidic because we have worked on it. Oh and our best trillium is in such poor soil it is a wonder it grows at all under the big ash tree.
Happy to help SBG... I always prefer to buy from somewhere that is recommended. You could both say your are friends of mine when you order... I'm sure you both know my 'real' name now from looking at the article. :-)
8 Nov, 2009
thanks again and i will certainly name drop if you dont mind.
8 Nov, 2009
Don't mind at all :-)
9 Nov, 2009
well I have placed an order today so fingers crossed that they will all like my garden.
9 Nov, 2009
Been out today - spending money on guess I'm doing mine tomorrow. :-))))
9 Nov, 2009
I'm sure they will SBG. Quick Spritz before the deadline...
9 Nov, 2009
Oooohhhh, yes! I have the PM info. well and truly saved, Mg!
9 Nov, 2009
hopefully roll on december. xmas might come to me after all. :o)
9 Nov, 2009
i did 3 blogs back in july i think. i know i 'blamed' spritzhenry for the inspiration.
7 Nov, 2009