Cacti identification?
By Lilmisseh
Identified one as 'Mammillaria backegergiana' (left with pink flower) and another as 'Parodia rudibuenekeri' (smallest one in centre.
Need help finding out what the un-spiky one is that snakes round from the front to the back, and also what the very tall one with lots of branches is.
Planning to repot them as they are growing far too big for the pot. Would be handy to know what they are, especially the huge one at the back as it is nearly 5 feet tall!
Many thanks

26 Aug, 2007
Thank you very much - it seems obvious that it looks like sugared almonds now!
27 Aug, 2007
not a good photo but it looks like one I have got these plants take on realy random shapes not sure of the name but I will come back to you when I get it next month
28 Aug, 2007
Hi, the plant at the back seems to be Opuntia Subulata and they will grow up to 10 feet high if it is getting too high just cut it at the highth you want you will not kill it, it will just branch out from the cut point. CAUTION!!! First check out Euphorbia as they look very much the same Euphorbia is much lighter in colour. If you go for the cut just let the cutoff dry for a couple of days and then plant in a pot Hey! Presto you have another one.Dave
10 Mar, 2008
Thank you very much for your help Dave! I've looked into those that you mentioned. It's definitely part of the Opuntia family from looking at picturesn - I think I've narrowed it down to an Opuntia Maverick. Wouldn't have been able to without your help, so thank you! May attempt to re-pot it soon...if I dare!
12 Mar, 2008
Pachyphytum oviferum ( Moonstones, Sugared - almond plum) the small grey one at the front?
Sorry I have no idea on the other one - good luck
27 Aug, 2007