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mildew on violas


By Pamg

east midlands, United Kingdom Gb

a friend and I bought quite a few trays of violas and pansies, I found mildew on my violas and lost a plant, just been to visit my friend and have found the same problem with hers--pansies ok, difficult to imagine that its cultural as we have different types of gardens and planted in different types of location-- is it the plants do you think or something else?



I had a terrible mildew problem on my violas this year, but I sprayed the worst plants with roseclear (as suggested on here) and lots of new green shoots have come through. The others which were not so bad have cleared up by themselves once planted out. They may have been kept too warm or sheltered wherever it was you bought them from. I grew mine from seed and they spent several weeks on my bedroom windowsill - you live and learn!

17 Oct, 2009


I had some appear on mine a couple of weeks after I bought them. I sprayed them too and they seem to be Ok now they are outside. I shall watch out for the first signs of it coming back, then spray again.

17 Oct, 2009


i'll try spraying but the've been outside now since I bought them last month

17 Oct, 2009


chances are if you both have the problem it may have started at the place you got them from if they were from the same place....
im no expert (clearly hehe) but Ive heard a lot about midew recently maybe its the heat and the damp just getting to everything. But sounds like its come from where ever you both bought them from if its both happened

x x x

17 Oct, 2009


Doubt it Mookins unless Pamg came down to Berkshire to buy her plants!

18 Oct, 2009


Hi lily, just had an email back from the nursery-- he's blaming the warm dry spell we've had and hopes the colder weather will cure it, also suggested spraying or replacing them --but hasn't got any!

18 Oct, 2009


Oh lily and meant Pam and her friend not you hunny

xx x

18 Oct, 2009


I think it's a thing you have to keep a watch out for as it can come back - a bit like the mould in the bathroom! lol.
Were they going to replace them free of charge, if so, why not ask for something else instead as they don't have any? Worth a try!

18 Oct, 2009


Sorry Mookins, just looked back at the original question! doh :o))
How's the job going?

18 Oct, 2009


Loving it, the owners are real gems so nice going through a real rough patch bless em but still smiling through. Getting to meet lots of the locals which is ... interesting hehe
or dod you mean the party planning? cos that has taken off with a WHOOP!
got in contact with a few pwwps I havent seen for ages one of which I cant stand but it pays to...litterally pays!!

x x x

18 Oct, 2009


I did mean the Sat. job Mookins but glad to hear they're both going well. Thought you'd be good at party plan even if you do have to put up with people you don't like. Just think of the money you can spend on all those plans for your garden.
Sorry Pam for hijacking your question with our chat!

18 Oct, 2009


any time lily xxx

18 Oct, 2009

How do I say thanks?

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