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Plant ID please

Pest county, near Budapest, Hungary

This plant has appeared in my front garden, The leaves are big and a bit fleshy. I do not recognise it as a local weed. It grows fast and is 2-3 ft tall so far, Does anyone know what it is?



Chris, is the stem a red or wine colour? The leaves look a lot like Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana ) which is not native in your area but may have been introduced??

27 May, 2008


Hi Chris no idea but depends what part of Hungary you live in.If in Buda then probably ok - if in Pest then Id be worried !

27 May, 2008


Hi Chris: Looks like pokeweed to me too. Usually pokeweed (AKA Pokeberry ) has crinkled edges. Leave it in for now and check to see if it gets blue/black berries on a pendulas stem. Then you will know. Barb

27 May, 2008


It looks like a lily to me, but as Blooms said leave it for now and see what develops.

28 May, 2008


Looks a bit like a lily to me too, but if it is Poke Weed ,do be careful it is highly poisonous. I was told that the black juice of the poke berry was the ink that was used to sign the Declaration of Independance !!!!!! Like the other answers wait and see.

28 May, 2008


Funny how Phytolacca is poisonous yet it is also said to be edible!

28 May, 2008


Its definately not a lily

28 May, 2008


Bonkersbon - I like your sense of humour

28 May, 2008


Well Bonkersbon we live in Pest county, so I guess you are worried. It is for sure not a lily. I've never seen Pokeweed so not sure if it grows in Hungary, but I'll check it out. Thanks for all your contributions. Very entertaining!!!!!

28 May, 2008


Grammazoo in answer to the question about stem colour they are green. The leaves have a red vein down the centre. I've looked at photos of choke weed and the leaves on my plant look thicker and fleshier. They also have a slightly downy underside.

28 May, 2008


Well everyone I have an answer from our neighbour about this plant. She tells me they call it wild tobacco around here and it is definitely a WEED. Needless to say it is not in my garden any longer.

1 Jun, 2008

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