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Bugs on my Rose bushes, HELP!

Wellington, New Zealand

I've just noticed that some of the stems of my rose bushes have lots and lots of bugs attached to them! What do I do? Will they kill the roses? They are not on every stem but the ones they are on have loads of them-yuk! The rose petals also seem a bit sticky. Do I cut the stems off? brush off the bugs? or leave them? Thanks



Eventually they could kill the plant. Get a good spray, you can try Neem or a rose spray against mites...ugh I feel all crawly just looking at the pic! Good luck!

20 Sep, 2009


right, thanks, I will look in the garden centre for neem oil tomorrow. After I took the 'bug' photos I felt all itchy for ages!

20 Sep, 2009


Try spraying with a solution of washing up water before you go the neem oil route. This should kill and remove the bugs... I'd also want to check that there wasn't an underlying problem with the rose that had caused the infestation in the first place.

20 Sep, 2009


this is not politically correct or particularly environmentally friendly, but I'd have no hesitation in spraying immediately with Roseclear 3...

20 Sep, 2009


I just looked up Neem oil its for Human head lice costs £3.50 for 50mls? I agree with Moonraker try soapy water first works for me on dahlias etc.

20 Sep, 2009


Hey Drc - I like my new name 'Moonraker' wonder if I can change to that :-)

20 Sep, 2009


Sorry Moon grower - Moonraker's a Bond film or something on a ship that makes the sails go faster or so my son tells me? Seems we cannot change it - I am stuck with my initials!

20 Sep, 2009


they are greenfly by the way. i noticed my roses have sucumbed to a nice crop of them.
i tend to use soapy water or rub them off with my thumb and fingers. rubber gloves help prevent that yuk factor.

20 Sep, 2009


Oh well Drc just a thought lol

20 Sep, 2009


Thanks for all your helpful comments. I went round with a washing up liquid/ water spray this morning so we'll see what happens next!

21 Sep, 2009


i find that fairy liquid and water does the trick!!

21 Sep, 2009


Hello Beth welcome from me, yes I find it is a good way and does no harm. Moon grower it is a nice meaningful name for you.

21 Sep, 2009


I finde that if you encorage the comon house sparrow in to your garden they will shift greenfly (carn't spell aphid's) quicker than ladybirds, but for I A's imeadet action,yes washing up water the stronger the better ,yes the hands that do dishes sort of thing.

22 Sep, 2009

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